Hey Bros & Sis in Christ, fellow new mates and friends!
Yeap, this is the post of what happen on Sunday MYF 'Friendster Day'.. ( I know itz, kinda delay) Sorry to keep you people waiting for so long..
Eager to know what happen? *grins* Will let you know in a bit..
"When two or three are gather together in His name, there is His presence with us"
Well, what are 'friends' means to you? Someone you can share secrets? Someone that will do everything for you? Someone who is nice to chat with? Or rather someone who loves you...
Do you that, Jesus, is your bestest FRIEND? *Well, make Jesus your bestie today*
But although we have Jesus as our best buddy, we still need other friends to accompany us... Why?
"But for Adam, no suitable helper was found. So the Lord God caused the man to fell into deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he too one of the man's ribs and close up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man"(Genesis 2:21)
See, God did not just want to create Adam... because He thinks that Adam needed a helper. Just like when we need our friends to tell us when and what is happening.. or maybe, for me in the case, i always looses my time, so i have Jeremy to remind me.. *grins*
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 )
Yeap, thatz what God tells us.. So friends are still important, eventhough they can dissapoint you many times.. but keep in mind that, if they do... always look to Jesus, cos He's the one and only friend that loves you forever and ever.. and He's the one that is always keeping you warm..
Don't believe? Try to ask Jesus to be your best friend.. Surely, i can guarantee, you'll be amaze!
" Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friend" (John 15:13)
" The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? " (Heb13:6)
Ok, i think time to talk about what you all have been waiting for..!!!! PICTURES *yay*
As usual, we gather at 2pm after lunch..
Because is considered as a big day... We did some preparations..before everything. Like the games and the worship team.
(Welcome those who came and join us! And bless those who brought them...)
For the very first time ever since i join MYF, this was the largest group .. i've ever attended (Thank God and Praise Him, that He has make today a wonderful day)
After the game, we slow intro ourselves and our names to those who are new.... "HI EVERYONE" *grins*
Ofcos, we will never forget to sing to our Lord! Praise and worship started after the ice breaker.. The songs are great.. And MEL did a good job. (Is her first time) *clap clap*
After praise and worship, games start! And whoaaa, we prepared 5 games on that day.. for everyone to enjoy... *wooooo* Thatz alot! And, thatz fun!
Sarah explaining the game called the 'chopstick' but couldn find chopstick so we switched to 'pencil' game.. *smile*
After that, we quickly moved on to our second game... (We're actually short of time.. and we do not wanna end so late) The next game is, 'United V Peel'!
Juli and Mei Zhi, together helping out each other to peel and finish the orange asap!
Alvin and Jeremy letting go the bread from the top
Yeah, our new mates trying to catch the bread.. (Glad you join in the fun)
Ouch!!!! Poor Esther and Joee.. *evil grins*
After that, we moved on to the next game... Yeap, this is the time where all the ballons for! (Sorry didn manage to catch any pic of that.. cos is very messy) All of the people are suppose to get in pairs and one blindfolded... and the other have to bring the 'blind' one to step as many ballons and possible.. (We have ten pairs... moving around man.. *whoa*)
Leslie acting as something for his group to guess what was it! (if I not mistaken, i guess he's acting as a cat)
Whoa... sooo serious-nya...
Mel acting as 'panda rolling on the floor' (hmm, does it look like panda anyway...? )
Yay, we all have fun with the games and everything.... It was indeed a super fun day... Jeremy says, we have a little tooo much fun... *grins* Everyone enjoyed.. ! Well, time flies when we're having fun... awwww, is almost the end of the day edy..
And so on, after that game, we moved on to the next ' Snap the Bread with Ur Face '
After that, we moved on to the next game... Yeap, this is the time where all the ballons for! (Sorry didn manage to catch any pic of that.. cos is very messy) All of the people are suppose to get in pairs and one blindfolded... and the other have to bring the 'blind' one to step as many ballons and possible.. (We have ten pairs... moving around man.. *whoa*)
And finally, our last game of the day... Muahahaha! Here come 'Stum the Stars' .. One person have to act for their group to guess what is it...
Yay, we all have fun with the games and everything.... It was indeed a super fun day... Jeremy says, we have a little tooo much fun... *grins* Everyone enjoyed.. ! Well, time flies when we're having fun... awwww, is almost the end of the day edy..
But we wont leave our guess without anything... After all the games and such, we rest and had a short fellowship time.. Like i say, we don't want our friends to return home without a gift from us.. Da Rong has special made a card for all of us.. and for all our friends to signed on, write some comments or wishes for our friend.. ( to show how much we appreciate them) *awww*
After that we have a short prize giving session..for the most outstanding pairs.. Leslie gave ang pau worr... *chun* I want - i want!
Anyway, thatz about it laa~ Everyone feeling tired after the games and running around edy.. Is time to go home and rest.. There we ended our myf with a prayer.. And everyone says 'bye-bye'.. Hope to see you guys soon!!!!
"Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue in righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of pure heart " ( II Timothy 2:22)
~Blessed to those who call in the name of the Lord~
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