Friday, July 11, 2008

You're invited to Selah Day @ FRIM


How have everyone been doing lately? busy with mid-terms? busy with exams? assignments? busy doing nothing and no idea what you are doing? feeling stress with how your life been so far? Don't stress....This saturday we r going to have another Selah Day.

Date: 12th July (Sat)
Time: 8am
Venue: FRIM (Forest Research Institute Malaysia) S

So what does Selah mean? "Selah is probably either a liturgico-musical mark or an instruction on the reading of the text, something like "stop and listen"Selah, an isolated word found in certain psalms (eg. Psalms 3, 4, 62 etc.) has uncertain meaning. Most likely though, it is a liturgical notation that calls for a brief musical interlude or for a brief liturgical response by congregation.

Therefore 'selah' may mean " stop & listen-adapted from & FES Newsletter- Why should I come for Selah?Hence, Selah basically means to stop & listen.

Come join us for this coming Selah Day, to come and take a break or TIME OUT!! Take some time to stop and listen and reflect on your journey and walk with God. Recommended especially for those who are feeling burned out or spiritually tired, come and let God speak to you and refresh you up....

What should I bring? You can bring camera, video camera or anything that you want that can help during your reflection...u might wanna draw, take beautiful pictures of the nature or u might wanna read your Bible also can...bring anything that can help u relax yourself....remember to bring EXTRA ClOTHES just in case we might be going to the promises....bring pens n pencils please.....thank you...


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