Monday, April 21, 2008

so other's may live...

i was browsing thru old news yesterday for some college stuff i needed to get done. i came to this topic about the 'lepak' culture. i've long forgotten that there still exist such culture among the young people. i still remember in high school essays where i have to write about this problem in my BM classes. as i read thru the news clippings, i find it somewhat depressing to hear about these young people of our age. they have no goals in life, no mission.. and somewhat no reason to live for.. they have nothing much to do at home, or in school. they're not involved in any healthy activities except for football till late nights, smoked in streets, loiterring around and worst still vandalizing public property and even committing juvenille crimes.

as i go on reading, they start blaming on parents spending too little time for them and teachers not educating them and the society for discriminating them and not giving oppurtunities to them. as a information, we pay gov taxes to build education resources and schools.. We're not judging them.. and i am not here to judge. but we as people who are more well equipped should be helping them.. But what can we do??? I thought of how could i help these people.. In the end, i couldn figure out, because only Jesus could save them.. So the urge for praying for them came into my mind before i go to bed..

Jesus is our life, our goal and our mission. We live for Him every single day. If we do not have Jesus, then it makes us no difference from the 'lepak' groups. We aim at Jesus; to serve Him and to glorify Him. And now as children of God, we live to be His salt and light so that they world may see the good deeds of our Father.

i wonder where all those activist go? saving monkeys, pandas and bears? Are these people not worth saving than animals? Human lives worth a thousand more than animals. we do so many things to keep the earth clean, and animals from extinction but neglected the importance of human lives.

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than birds?" (Matthew 6:26)

Jesus die for all our sins.. See how important we are!! and not just 'we' but every single human on this earth are important to Jesus.. because he died for ALL! "You were bought at a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit". (1Cor 6:20)

So, start praying for these young people who are not as fortunate as we are.. start praying for them so that they might see Jesus in their hearts and in their minds. pray for them that they would take Jesus as their teacher and guidance... pray that they would accept Jesus as their saviour regardless of their religions, race and status; these people need help from Jesus!

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