Monday, March 10, 2008

Reality Check...!!

Hey guys,

After seeking God and hearing His advice, i feel that this friday's rehersal should be replaced witha prayer meeting where we take time and come and seek God. I personally feel that, we the MYF and the leaders are running out of stim... We seemed to be busy and tired of our daily duties.. In other words, i feel like, we are missing out God more and more each time we meet on sundays.. I feel the need to gather together as leaders and youths of today to come and pray and seek God before going on with our plans this month and before we plan for the months to come.. As the president myself, i feel as if, God is not here in our MYF meetings.. This is a MAJOR problem as MYF...

Therefore guys, I feel that we must take time for God once again.. I feel that this is an issue that is going to become a big big crisis if this issue is not tended properly before its too late. We are the youth os this generation, and the devil is all out to "potong our stim"..!! LETS NOT LET THE DEVIL SUCCEED..!!! THE ENEMY IS DEFEATED! LET US SHOUT WITH A VOICE OF VICTORY!

So guys, lets meet this friday 8pm with expectation from God to re-inspire us again! Let us come together and pray and seek God! Let us not be like the story of how the Israelites (See Joshua chapter 7: thought that they could capture Ai without God's guidence or advice! We are in a very very dangerous situation if we do not hear God's voice and guidence to lead us! Let us repent, and come back to God; where we belong; before things get even worse or worst!

Let us meet this Friday guys!! Try your best to come!

MYF Prez;
Jeremy Chew

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