Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Jesus is not our guest

I would like to say 'Thank you' to all the MYF'ers for the support and help for the Easter Play. It was a good play....

And I would like to Thank God for doing such a wonderful job!

If you all did not know, it was pretty hectic in the beginning and during practices, but God was there to guide us.. *phew* That's a prove on why we can always depend on God! *grins*

Thank You God!!!

I've heard a story during pastor sermon one time in the service. The story is like....

"One time, a man invited Jesus to come to his home. Jesus was happy to go and stay in his house and said, 'no matter what happens, I will be there for you because you have accepted me'. During the night time, the man heard a loud knock on his door. 'knock..knock..knock'. The man woke up from his bed and went to the door, he slowly opened the door and peeped out and it was the devil that was knocking. The man quickly close the door, but the devil kept pushing it. So, the man struggle with him and finally manage to close it. The man look back and Jesus was there standing. The man asked why arent you helping me? Jesus said, 'I'm only a guest'.The next night, the man heard a loud knocking again at his door. He woke up again from his bed and walk towards the door. Again, it was the devil who tries to come in. The man struggle again and finally manage to close it. He again saw Jesus standing there. He asked again, 'why are you not helping me? I thought you said that you will be with me no matter what happen.' Jesus answered, 'because you have make me your guest of the house. A guest should not bother about what's the master of the house is doing and will not intrude. The man then realise that, he's only making Jesus as the guest, but not letting him to take charge. The man felt sorry and let Jesus take charge. The next night again there was a loud knocking on the door. Jesus walk towards the door and open it. The devil saw and says 'sorry wrong house!' .

At the beginning, I heard this story, I know whats the meaning behind, but never understood it properly. Alot of times, we know that we should let Jesus take charge of our life, but really applying it is really tough. Somethings we know it, but we don't do it. The lack of faith and confidence is there. We question ourselves again whether can God really help in this situation, or that we could have a better idea on how to do it. In another words, we questioned God.

Jesus is not our guest in our meetings, fellowships, games, services, sharing and many more. Jesus is the one who organized it, and we should do it his way. When He says that He will do it, He will does a great job. So, never to force yourself on something so hard but never seems to reach it. Instead, pray harder and ask God for help and then wait on the Lord. Your patience will be rewarded when you wait. And then, you can praise your Father in heaven, for all the wonderful amazing things He has done.

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